GABRIEL’S GREETING Saturday 30th November at 7.30 p.m. in All Saints Church. Join AITONE, the a cappella early music consort, for a concert for Advent on The concert will include works by Gibbons, Ravenscroft and many others. There is no charge for the concert but there will be a retiring collection which will be divided between All Saints Church and AITONE.
CHRISTINGLE SERVICE Sunday 1st December 5.00 p.m. We celebrate the ‘light of Christ’ in this popular service when children and adults alike are surrounded by candlelight as we remember and look forward to the coming of Jesus at Christmas.
BRING A BAUBLE! Saturday 14th December Drop in between 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon Help us to decorate our Christmas tree by brining a decoration of your own to hang on it, or help us hang our own decorations, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a mince pie whilst listening to festive music.
COTGRAVE’S CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday 15th December 6.00 p.m. A service of readings and carols for Christmas chosen by the people of Cotgrave in the setting of a church wonderfully illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. Stay afterwards and enjoy a cup of mulled wine and a mince pie.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT by the SOUTH NOTTS MEN'S CHORUS Thursday 19th December 6.00 p.m. for 6.30 p.m. £10 for adults with children free of charge Booking via Sheila Astill - 0115 9892844
CAROLS AT THE ROSE & CROWN Sunday 22nd December 6.00 p.m.
CHRISTMAS EVE Tuesday 24th December
FAMILY NATIVITY SERVICE 3.00 p.m. Watch with the shepherds, travel with the wise men and celebrate with the angels as we remember the story of the first Christmas as played out by our children and young people.
MIDNIGHT MASS 11.30 p.m. Capture the wonder of the season in this celebration of the birth of Christ as we greet him on Christmas morning.
CHRISTMAS DAY Wednesday 25th December
8.00 a.m. EUCHARIST 10.00 a.m. FAMILY EUCHARIST Bring yourself and bring a favourite present to show as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
All Saints Church Plumtree Road, Cotgrave Nottingham NG12 3HT